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Cranial Sacral Manipulation

I started studying this amazing system in the 1970’s which included numerous post graduate seminars, human dissection of this system, and the hands-on study of disarticulated human skulls. I have performed thousands of cranial examinations and manipulations, with often life-changing results for my patients for the better.

Our brain is enclosed in a sack called the dura matter, which in Latin means tough mother.  This dura matter is very strong and the brain literally floats in cerebral spinal fluid within it.  The dura matter encloses the brain and then descends down the entire spinal column and attaches to the bottom of the sacrum.  The dura matter also attaches to the upper three cervical vertebras.

Our body’s Cranial Sacral System is comprised of 22 interlocking skull bones that are in constant involuntary rhythmic motion. Also included in this system are the sacrum and both innominate bones that make up the pelvic structure.

There are four “pumps” in the body. They include the heart, lungs, diaphragm, and the cranial bones.  The cranial bones articulate with each other and the motion, although minute, is absolutely necessary to pump cerebral fluid around the brain and spinal column and down to the lumbar spine.  This “pump” is called the Cranial-Sacral Primary Respiratory Mechanism.  The bones of our skull move in flexion, extension and in rotation at specific phases associated with our thoracic respiration. This cranial sacral motion moves at the rate of up to14 cycles a minute.

Trauma to the cranial-sacral respiration system can cause the pumping flexion/extension motion to be altered or cease completely.  The dura matter can actually torsion or twist the brain.  The most common cause of cranial trauma is due to the birth process.  Cranial trauma at birth or early childhood can cause the right and left-brain hemispheres to develop differently with a broad range of consequences and health problems.  Our Central Nervous System (CNS) controls, coordinates and regulates the very function of every human cell, organ and tissue.  Anything that alters normal CNS function is serious.

Cranial sacral dysfunction can cause health problems almost anywhere in the body, and of almost any type.  Neurological Disorganization (ND) is the term used to define aberrant neurological conditions associated with cranial sacral subluxations.

Common Associated Conditions

Spinal curvatures with associated muscular imbalances.

Muscle weaknesses anywhere in the body, most commonly the cervical and upper chest muscles.

Cranial nerve entrapment syndromes.

Dyslexia, learning difficulties, and attention deficit syndromes

Emotional and mood disorders.

Endocrine hormone imbalances.

Changes in visual acuity Head, face and neck pains.

I utilize Muscle Resistance Testing (MRT) to test the central nervous system and spinal nerve root functions.  During a standard muscle strength test I examine the function of up to 32 muscles. Major muscle weakness of up to 50% is not uncommon indicating a 50% loss of neurological function.  This is severe neurological disorganization.

Cranial Sacral Manipulation Process

After a very specific examination I determine the cranial subluxations and associated muscular weaknesses.  There are definite and absolute muscle weaknesses often with associated organ system involvement, spinal verteb ral subluxations, and sacral pelvic subluxations seen in cranial sacral subluxation syndrome. The cranial sacral spinal examination process takes approximately 45 minutes. Manual cranial sacral corrections use a specific manual force applied to the cranium externally and through the mouth.  The force used is a short, sustained two pounds of pressure during a certain phase of your respiration.

A series of up to 6 visits may be required for optimum correction of the cranial sacral respiratory system.