Eating junk food makes people crazy. Remember we are what we eat. Fresh, wholesome, and nutritious food supports wholeness, balance and sanity.
Research now links violent behavior to nutritional deficiencies and JUNK FOOD.
This is of significant importance, but no surprise to me, as the animal studies have long past been conclusive in studying the link between nutrition and behavior.
Dr. Pottenger, Jr., M.D. between 1932 and 1942 conducted research on nutritional deficiencies in 900 cats. In these studies he observed the effects of nutritional deficiencies on three generations of cats. Dr. Pottenger’s research concluded that the cats with nutritional deficiencies exhibited nervousness, irritability and many became dangerous to handle. Fighting within the cat population increased in frequency and severity resulting in death and even cannibalism.
Prison Study to Investigate Link between Junk Food and Violence
Some of Britain’s most challenging young prisoners are to be given food supplements in a study aimed at curbing violent behavior. Scientists from Oxford University say the effects of nutrition on behavior have been underestimated. They say that increases in consumption of junk food over the past 50 years have contributed to a rise in violence: A pilot study by the same researchers found that violent incidents while in custody were cut by more than a third among the 231 prisoners given the supplements. Overall the offences recorded by the prison authorities fell by a quarter.
John Stein, professor of physiology at Oxford University, said: “If you could extrapolate from those results you would see a reduction of a quarter to a third in violent offenses in prison. You could reduce violent offences in the community by a third. That would have a huge economic benefit.”
Mark Walport, head of the Wellcome Trust, which is funding the three-year study, said: “If this study shows that nutritional supplementation affects behavior it could have profound significance for nutritional guidelines, not only within the criminal justice system but in the wider community – in schools, for example. We are all used to nutritional guidelines for our physical health but this study could lead to revisions taking account of our mental health.”
The theory behind the trial is that when the brain is starved of essential nutrients, especially omega-3 fatty acids, which are a central building block of brain neurons, it loses “flexibility”. This shortens attention spans and undermines self-control. Even though prison food is nutritious, prisoners tend to make unhealthy choices and need supplements, the researchers say. Bernard Gesch, a senior scientist in the department of physiology and head of Natural Justice, a charity that investigates the causes of offending, said prisoners would be given the supplement with 100 percent of the recommended daily amount of more than 30 vitamins and minerals plus three fish-oil capsules on top of their normal diet.
“We are trying to rehabilitate the brain to criminal justice. The law assumes crime is a matter of free will. But you can’t exercise free will without involving your brain and the brain can’t function properly without an adequate nutrient supply. This is a positive approach to preventing the problems of antisocial and criminal behavior”.
Feeling uptight today or most of the time? There is a direct correlation between your nutritional state and your neuro-chemical balance.
Making the world a better place starts with making the decision to become a healthier you.
Call for a totally free consultation today.
Andrew W. Jenison